What would it take to develop a learning programme that really made a measurable impact in your organisation?
This guide provides a glimpse into Acteon’s unique approach to helping people flourish through blended learning programmes that make a difference.
You might want to lay out your plan in a table like this one.
Download our free planning template here.
Bringing it all together
If you started with a clear aim, gave serious thought to the best available methods and channels for achieving the aim, and then planned a coordinated and sustained campaign, the results will follow.
Keep an eye on those metrics. Re-run the campaign — or parts of it — if necessary. Tweak one or two elements or add an extra ingredient into the mix.
Finally, communicate your results within the business. Show your leadership team that L&D can deliver real change. Show them they can count on L&D to enable people to flourish.
Acteon designs and delivers blended learning to help organisations flourish.
We craft creative solutions that make a real and lasting change for our clients, and we’re winners of 8 Learning Technologies Awards. If you’d like to find out more, there are lots of ways to get in touch – please pick from the list below!
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