“It’s all about you” for Co-op

Co-op asked us to create learning and communication to help ensure all colleagues are handling personal data appropriately and securely.
Co-op is a brand with ethical values and principles at its heart. Colleagues are trusted to do the right thing and are motivated to behave fairly. We built around that culture and sprinkled in a bit of surprise and humour to make dry compliance messages meaningful and practical for colleagues.
A blended learning campaign focused on the key awareness and actions that helps all colleagues recognise personal data and look after it properly. Scenarios allowed learners to practice doing the right thing in a realistic work environment, and emphasised the key call to action of reporting concerns to a helpline.
The learning materials were embedded in a data privacy campaign that helped popularise some new terminology at Co-op, including 'Printcident', 'Screamshot', 'Infogestion' and 'Datastrophe'!
“I just completed the online GDPR training this morning. Great job!”
- Steve Murrells, CEO, Co-op